Joseph Moody is a great guy who is an example for a successful IT expert. He is full of knowledge, he earned Microsoft Valuable Professional status. He has a blog where he publishes solutions for Microsoft products. Where does Joseph Moody get time to fit blogging, learning new stuff, family and most importantly, where does get motivation for […]
Paul Schnackenburg Interview
Paul Schnackenburg has been working in IT since the days of DOS and 286 processors and runs IT consultancy Expert IT Solutions on the Sunshine Coast, QLD. He teaches part time at a local Microsoft IT Academy, freelances as a technical journalist, writing for Virtualization Review, Redmond Magazine, and others. Paul’s been an MCT […]
Jeffery Hicks Interview
If you ever searched for Power shell script or scripting tutorial, chances are, you have read content provided by Jeffery Hicks. Jeffery Hicks is a consultant, blogger, speaker and author. He is a very kind and wise man. I have read his tips, tircks and tutorials many times. He is the man who inspires. Have […]
Interview with Vladan SEGET
I still remember first time when I was looking for resources for Virtualization on the internet. I stubled on blog called ESX Virtualization by Vladan SEGET. I was really impressed by the extensive content range and quality of articles. I have to admit that I have bookmarked ESX Virtualization and have been following ESX Virtualization ever […]