When I finally decided to start a blog, first decision I had to make was which CMS to use. I decided to go with WordPress. I am happy I did. Once you start using a Wordpress you start to like it. One of the many reasons why, are plugins, which you can use to extend stock functionality. You […]
How to make WordPress fly with WP Rocket cache
Can WP Rocket really speed up your website? Curious, I decided to test and do a WP Rocket cache review. One of the basic tasks you have when you set up a new WordPress website is to enable caching. Caching enables WordPress to serve pages faster and to more users. By default WordPress has no caching. […]
Setup $10 Speed monster VPS for WordPress in 10 minutes
When I started with this blog, I was using shared hosting. Price was good, and it had an unlimited plan. Unlimited domains, disk space… For a while, it was ok until I installed several plugins. Then, out of the blue, the home page took long long time to load. Their response was that it’s a […]
How I Fixed my WordPress problem with New Relic
WordPress problem is not an issue for me anymore. Ever since I started using Newrelic. Most of the problems I have with It all started with all the buzz around cheap Digitalocean VPS. I admit, I am no Linux expert, but I do have desire to learn something new. When I was a teenager I was […]